"The Jargon Generation Game!" - Play now and create a ridiculous phrase to use today!

Play "The Jargon Generation Game!"

From the health sector to finance, military to the media - every organisation has its own internal 'shorthand', which is used in everyday conversation to communicate quickly with colleagues.

But these phrases, TLA's - Two and Three-Letter-Acronyms, are a barrier to communication in the media, public meetings and outside your office reception.

So while many in business still use these terms, phrases and idle acronyms, our game highlight's their absurdity.

Play "The Jargon Generation Game" and regale your colleagues with some total claptrap today!

From our list of phrases below - pick one from each column and create your new meaningless buzz-phrase for meetings and internal engagement 'pieces'! Then watch how many of your colleagues simply accept your use of them?

A cautionary note - NEVER use in any media or public setting!













 So. How did your 'Profile Awareness Rationale' work out?!

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